High School Students
Begin working toward your bright future with college credits and see scholarship and grant opportunities when you’re ready to apply.

Earn College Credit Now
GCC’s College Today classes were developed to give high school seniors an opportunity to pursue college credit-bearing classes in the campus setting. Courses were developed to complement, rather than compete with, existing high school classes.

Accelerate your learning
Begin your college education in high school with our Accelerated College Enrollment (ACE) Program, featuring discounted tuition, challenging coursework and transferability to other universities.
- Earn high school and college credits at the same time
- Pay a lower tuition rate (one third the cost)
- Learn at your high school or on a GCC campus
- Complete challenging and motivating coursework
Additional High School Student Resources
TRiO Upward Bound
Explore this unique program aimed at developing students’ academic & professional skills, motivating students to attend and complete secondary education.
Liberty Partnership
From scholarships and grants to loans and a work study program, discover opportunities to save or earn money towards college.
Homeschooled Students
GCC and its ACE Program have hundreds of college-level courses for homeschooled students, giving them a robust selection of concurrent enrollment opportunities.